Firewood Delivery

Buying firewood is not as simple as it first seems. As more and more people buy efficient wood burning fireplace’s, they begin to realise that, like anything, it must have the right fuel.
There are many firewood vendors supplying varying quantities and volumes. only sells quantifiable bags of wood. Bags have advantages in that, they are easily quantifed (clients know what they are buying), consumption can be managed and they are easier to carry.


At, we harvest our wood during the summer months of the previous year, where its left to dry outside with the help of mother nature as the highveld weather provides the perfect conditions for seasoning our wood. At we have strict controls to ensure that all wood is well seasoned before it leaves our yard.

We offer a Delivery Service

We pack your order within a reasonable distance from the delivery vehicle.  We DO NOT empty bags or stack the wood.

Firewood - Banner


It is difficult to match the perfect log to the ideal fireplace, therefore we cut our logs to an average length between 25 cm and 28 cm with a width of +- 10 cm to accommodate various fireplace sizes, if you would prefer bigger logs, please let our sales team know so we can give you the right size wood that can compliment your fireplace, click here..


Unfortunately we do not sell “loose bakkie loads”, Cubes, Chords , tonnes or any other volume variations of wood.

Be aware that wet or green wood has a higher weight than ready to burn wood. All our hard wood is slow burning with a low flame, we can mix a ratio of 20% softwood with the hard wood to give a high flame if requested.

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How To Order

You can place your order by, e-mail or via our web site only. Once we receive your information we will confirm with you via e-mail.

Please provide the following information when ordering to avoid delays with your order
  • How many bags you  require.
  • Your delivery address.
  • Contact details.
  • Please inform staff, and or members of family  that a delivery from us has been scheduled.

Due to the number of deliveries, we are unable to deliver to a set time, as other clients and traffic do hold up the delivery teams, we can however offer the option of A.M or P.M delivery

Firewood Delivery - Campfire Background


Delivered Firewood = Cost Of Firewood + Delivery Cost.
Delivery charges depend on the area where the wood is delivered.